Nowadays, there are has been considerable rise in the use of such capacitor known as trimmer capacitor. They are developed using air, glass, quartz, sapphire and PTFE dielectrics for both low and high voltage applications. Most of the trimmers are normally internally sealed. This way the capacitor can withstand immersion in flux and solvents without leaking. This capacitor is widely used in various applications such as compact radios, headphone stereos, pagers, remote keyless entry systems, portable radio equipments and more. To purchase these capacitors or to learn more about this product, it will be advisable to go online. There are many manufacturing companies offering the capacitors, varistor, RF transistors and more products. Visit their website to get complete details about the products.
This type of capacitor covers a wide range of capacitance and the plates in it are either placed in distance from each other or shifted towards each other to change the amount of capacitance. A dielectric is used for insulation between the plates. This capacitor gets the name owing to its functionality of trimming the active and passive circuits’ performance. A metal-oxide varistor is made up of a mass of metal oxides that are sandwiched between the electrodes. The boundary between each of the zinc oxide grains form a diode junction that causes current to flow in a single direction. The function of this amazing device is to prevent a surge in voltage from damaging the circuits.
The circuits need to be protected against a sudden surge in voltages and this function is performed by a varistor. This device is incorporated into the circuit in a way that they prevent current from flowing to the sensitive components when triggered. It may not prevent a very large surge like the one caused by a lightning strike, but it can certainly prevent a considerable magnitude of surges. The estimated life of this device is determined by its energy rating. The number of surges that it can handle is directly proportional to the amount of rating.
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